A classic roadster for individualists

Merlin Sports Cars

About us

Neither a club nor an association, but simply a loose community of people from Germany, France, Holland and England. Today we would simply call it a "community". We have one thing in common: we own a Merlin and have fallen in love with it! Many of us have known each other personally for a number of years and have become friends. But don't worry, we're always happy to meet new Merlin owners and will help you wherever necessary. Our community is very active and there is no membership fee:

Annual Merlin meeting (in Germany)

Every year, a large meeting is organised from Thursday to Sunday on Corpus Christi, where everyone is invited to take part. You can find reports on this under the heading "Meetings"

Advice on technical issues

We try to help and support you with all questions concerning the technology of our Merlins. Some of us have had our Merlin for over 20 years and know all the details. Don't worry, a Merlin is quite simple and very durable.

What can I get where?

Something has broken on your Merlin? You don't know where to get the right spare part? Once again, it's the community that counts, we help each other and the supply of spare parts is usually not a problem.

Forum for exchange

We run a forum where all topics about our cars are allowed. The forum is open to all Merlin friends in Europe.

Holidays with the Merlin

Do you fancy a special holiday with your Merlin? Then perhaps there is a Merliner in your holiday region who can give you tips for beautiful routes and excursions

Support with Merlin purchases

Are you interested in a Merlin, but don't know enough about it? Then get in touch with us, maybe a Merlin enthusiast lives near you and can take a look at the car with you? Or maybe we even know a Merlin that's for sale!

About our Merlins

A Merlin is a roadster developed and produced in England between 1980 and 1998. It is available in two variants, as a pure 2-seater (Merlin TF) or with 2 additional emergency seats (Merlin +2). Around 1000 units were produced, of which around 650 were the Merlin +2.

Replica or copy?

Many people see a Merlin and confuse it with a Morgan. There are certainly many similarities, but a Merlin is neither a replica nor a copy, but a completely independent car.
The Merlin could be bought in England from the manufacturer as a finished car, but also as a kit for technically savvy people. In Germany, the Merlin was sold as a left-hand drive model by the Mohr company in Straubenhaardt. However, most of the vehicles available in Germany are right-hand drive from England.

Technical basis

The Merlin is built on a fairly solid steel frame with a fibreglass body bolted to it. The chassis, engine and gearbox were taken from the mass-produced technology of a Ford Taunus or Cortina. In England, the 4-cylinder engine was usually installed and in Germany a domestically produced 6-cylinder engine. All technical spare parts are still readily available as new parts. However, not directly from Ford itself, as Ford does not operate a classic department, but from specialised companies.

"One of the most beautiful roadsters on the market. Its perfect shape and the certainty of rarely encountering a vehicle of the same kind make the Merlin an absolutely rare piece of jewellery."

Rolf Flach

Founder of our community in Germany